Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004 (2:58 p.m.)
bring down the ets

New goal in life: BRING DOWN THE ETS.

Filled with rage and frustration. As most people are who deal with the ETS (people who bring you the SAT, GRE, standardized eugenics testing to decide if you ought to be sterilized, etc.)

Every time I have to do something with these people, not only does it buy into a ridiculous system in which we all pretend that a person's intelligence and ability can actually be quantified, an idea with which I violently disagree to begin with, they also manage to mess things up an cost me money! Argh!

This time, they've lost my request for my scores to be sent to the phd programs to which I am applying, plus which they claim intermittently that I took the subject GRE before I took the general, and that I am still attending the university of virginia, from which I graduated in 2002.

Filled with frustration.

Oh well. If I don't get into any graduate schools because the ETS lost my score request form, I guess I'll just hope to get a job in special ed in the staunton public schools. That's not bad. I'll just work another year. Not the end of the world.

Meanwhile, though, my new goal in life, should I ever become a professor, is to eventually become head of graduate or undergraduate admissions for my department and eliminate standardized testing scores as a requirement for admission. It will be my small, bitter, delayed retribution.

(By the way, most of my rage at the system doesn't even have to do with the fact that they have managed to charge me double every time I correspond with them. It has to do with the fact that standardized testing is a terrible, awful sham that is every day engaged in devaluing the intelligences of thousands of children and reducing our educational system to a fill-in-the-blanks-style charade that ends up teaching nothing at all but how to take tests. So there.)

Aside from the gre fiasco, though, all my applications are in. All my applications are in. Whoa.

As a final note, I feel that I ought to be writing about the terrible disaster in Asia. I'm certainly not unaware of it. But...eighty thousand people. I have no words for something that has taken the lives of eighty thousand people. No words at all. So, in typical American fashion, I talk only about my own petty frustrations, and don't even try.

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