Thursday, Nov. 04, 2004 (3:11 p.m.)
Theatre at Hogworts

Misty moisty morning. And day. It�s all grey and rainy and cold. But I don�t seem to mind yet, actually. It�s appropriate to the season for us to have days like this, as long as they aren�t every day.

Plus, waking up and hearing rain pouring down the side of the house gave me the excuse I wanted not to run this morning � about which I felt good until I saw James running blithely by our house on my way out to class. But by then it was Too Late. So there.

Also, while rolling quietly on the floor in movement class (I explored how to Indirectly and Heavily shape my body like a banana today), I was able to look out the windows at the rain on the wet grey stone and feel a little like I was at, say, Hogworts. In the rolling-around-on-the-floor class at Hogworts That would be�um�tribal magic. Or maybe Quidditch.

Actually, come to think of it, they ought to have acting at Hogworts. They could put on some lovely plays � although they�d probably be a bit heavy on special effects.

Disappointed in the election. Obviously. Don�t really want to talk about it. Canada is a very nice country, you know. Except it�s so cold. Trade off: living in most hated nation on earth vs. being cold. It�s a decision that requires some thought.

No, really, I�d rather work to make my own beloved country better than leave in a huff (even though Canada is very nice in its own right). But it�s discouraging to look at all those red states piling on top of each other on the map and realize it�s simply true � most Americans think very, very differently from me.

It isn�t that the people like me aren�t speaking or being heard, or that we�re hiding or apathetic � it�s just that most people believe very strongly in ways I don�t, and don�t believe very strongly in ways I do. That�s just the truth. I may not feel like a philosophical minority, because all my friends think more or less like me, but as a solid liberal, I just am.

Oh, bah.

The other day in movement class (notice that�s the only one I talk about because it�s the only one I consistently like), we played with tennis balls. And Noah threw his ball to me and I just felt so chosen. I can�t remember, actually, ever having had so much fun with a ball before in my life. I mean, not like it was the most fun I�ve ever had, but I mostly remember being bored with balls before. They�re only fun, really, if you can play with other people with them.

It goes to show, I think, that learning how to make friends is very important. Even if you don�t do it until you�re twenty-four.

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